Habitat for Humanity Great Britain

Miller Homes India 2018

Hannah Darmody

Hannah Darmody

My Story

This August I am visiting a rural village in India to assist with building homes for the families in the area who are in need. The Director of Pod Newcastle, who I work for, is donating a huge amount of his time and money to allow members of our practice to volunteer on the trip alongside Miller Homes, however Habitat for Humanity still needs more funding for the resources required to physically build the homes and support the families. Anything you can give will be massively appreciated. Thank you.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

This August I am visiting a rural village in India to assist with building homes for the families in the area who are in need. The Director of Pod Newcastle, who I work for, is donating a huge amount of his time and money to allow members of our practice to volunteer on the trip alongside Miller Homes, however Habitat for Humanity still needs more funding for the resources required to physically build the homes and support the families. Anything you can give will be massively appreciated. Thank you.